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Constitution and By-Laws

Constitution and By-Laws


Tuscaloosa Genealogical Society Inc.

Article I: NAME

This Society, originally organized in 1975 at the Friedman Library, was known as the Morning Group and the Evening Group of the Tuscaloosa Genealogical Society. The Night Group of The Tuscaloosa Genealogical Society has been reorganized as Tuscaloosa Genealogical Society Inc.


The objects of The Night Group of the Tuscaloosa Genealogical Society shall be Historical and Educational.

  1. to aid in genealogical research

  2. to preserve historical records

  3. to improve genealogical skills

  4. to familiarize members with new techniques in research

  5. to provide a list of available materials and their location in the local library


Section 1.

Admission to membership shall be determined by an expressed interest of an individual in genealogical research, and the payment of dues as set by the Society.

Section 2.

Invitation to membership may be extended to persons or groups thought to be interested in genealogical research by members of the Society.


Section 1.

Elective officers of the Night Group shall be the President, the First Vice-President, the Second Vice-President, the Recording Secretary, the Corresponding Secretary, the Treasurer, the Historian, the Librarian and the Parliamentarian.

Section 2.

The term of office for each officer shall be one year.


Section 1.

A Nominating Committee of three members shall be appointed by the President from the membership at the October meeting to report at the November meeting at which time officers for the coming year shall be elected. They shall be installed at the December meeting.

Section 2.

Nominees for office shall have been members of the Society for at least one year.

Section 3.

Following the report the Nominating Committee nominations may be made from the floor for each office.

Section 4.

Election shall be by voice vote if all candidates are unopposed. A majority of votes cast shall constitute election. If there is more than one candidate for an office the election shall be by ballot with the majority vote determining the winner.

Section 5.

Vacancies in all elective offices shall be filled by the Executive Board until the next election.


Section 1.

The officers of the Society shall perform the duties prescribed by the parliamentary authority adopted for use. ROBERT'S RULES OF ORDER NEWLY REVISED is recommended as the parliamentary authority to be used.

Section 2.

a. The President shall preside at all meetings of the Society over which he/she serves as president as well as his/her Executive Board. He/she shall be an ex-officio member of all meetings of the Nominating Committee. He/she shall appoint all committee chairpersons except the Nominating Committee, with the approval of the Executive Board.

b. The President shall initial his/her approval to all bills for payment by the Treasurer. His/her signature shall appear on any and all papers of the Society when appropriate.

c. The President shall present the various awards given by the Society to recipients and shall represent the Society at patriotic and civic occasions when invited to do so, or shall appoint someone to act in his/her stead.

d. The President shall call the Executive Board meetings when the Society's business necessitates or when four Board members request a meeting to clarify policy.

e. The President shall report, immediately after election, to the local newspaper the names and addresses of officers, the date of the election and any later changes.

f. The President shall make recommendations of any projects deemed worthy of the Society's endeavor.

Section 3.

The First Vice-President of the Society shall be responsible for the general arrangements and programs for regular meetings. He/she shall assume the duties of the president when necessary due to the absence or incapacity of same. He/she shall serve in any capacity designated by the president.

Section 4.

The Second Vice-President shall be responsible for membership and shall serve in other capacities designated by the President.

Section 5.

The Recording Secretary shall keep a record of the proceedings of all official meetings, including the Executive Board meetings, and shall make a copy of the Recording Secretary's record. He/she shall file in binders all records of the Society and Board meetings, report of the officers and chairpersons, and other proceedings and keep in a safe place.

Section 6.

The Corresponding Secretary shall be responsible for all correspondence as directed by president. He/she shall send a notice of the meetings of the Society at least two weeks in advance of the date of the meeting to the newspaper. He/she shall further be responsible for all publications of the Society.

Section 7.

a. The Treasurer shall keep records of the Society's finances and collect membership dues. He/she shall receive all funds and shall deposit them in a bank specified by the Society. He/she shall present a financial statement at each meeting and make three copies of the reports for the following group: For the Treasurer's record, for the Recording Secretary's record and for the President's file. Prior to the December installation of officers, each Treasurer's books shall be audited by three members appointed by the President.

b. He/she shall report immediately all changes in membership including deaths, resignation, members dropped, and any changes of address.

Section 8.

The Historian shall have charge of and shall catalog the historical and biographical papers contributed by members of the Society. He/she shall keep the book of news clips and other items relating to the Society and its membership.

Section 9.

The Librarian shall report and keep records of the names of books, census records, etc. and manuscripts given to the local library. He/she shall encourage local libraries to provide additional space when needed for the genealogical donations of the Society.

Section 10.

The Parliamentarian shall attend the Executive Board meetings and shall advise the President on matters of parliamentary concern.

Section 11.

Each officer and chairperson shall keep a folder of reports and information to be given to his/her successor.


Section 1.

The Standing Committees of the Society shall be named as the Society's business dictates, with the designated duties as stated in the Society's parliamentary authority.

Section 2.

All chairpersons, except the chairperson of the Nominating Committee shall be appointed by the President and approved by the Executive Board.

Section 3.

All persons shall select three to five members to serve on their committee.

Article VIII: DUES

Section 1.

Dues of the Society, based on a calendar year, shall be recommended by the Board and voted on by the membership. Dues shall be payable before the beginning of the calendar year.

Section 2.

A person joining the Society during the last six months of the calendar year may elect to pay only one-half of the dues for the calendar year, unless he/she wishes to obtain all issues of the Quarterly for the year, in which case full dues shall be paid.


Section 1.

The Society shall meet on the first Thursday of each month at 6:30 p.m.

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